
Wicked Nerdery

Where psychology, pop culture, and true crime collide


November 2015

Mall Shopping Safety

As the holiday season gears up the stores can go from almost barren to overcrowded in a matter of hours.  With all these people it becomes harder to keep track of things: that gift for Uncle Bob, where the car is parked, where little Timmy and Jane wandered off to.  It’s this last one that can turn into a potential nightmare for a family because it’s not just other shoppers engaged in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, but also child predators.

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The Family that Slays Together…

Despite what movies and TV shows might suggest families killing together, as a unit, is fairly rare.  There are many instances in which couples or two blood relations get together to kill others, but a whole family working to take lives?  Not so much…though it’s not unheard of either.  There was at least one such case in the 1800s wherein the Bender family worked together to rob and kill unsuspecting travelers who made the mistake of choosing to stay at their inn.  When their crimes were discovered they became known simply as “The Bloody Benders”.

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A Love for Every Age

The saying goes “Age ain’t nothing but a number”…but this isn’t exactly true, especially when it comes to one’s sexual desire for another.  While some may simply cause raised eyebrows there are others that can get a person in very serious legal trouble and brand them as an outcast for life.  While the specifics of which term is most appropriate for which preference may seem irrelevant it’s important to both mental health professionals and law enforcement…and it never hurts to know as a layperson either.

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Secret Psychopath: The Dark Knight’s Joker

Psychopaths are not easy to spot; in no small part because they are masters of disguise, skilled at fitting in even when they stand out.  With the ability to read a room and the expectations of those within it they can follow social norms to fly under the radar or openly defy them to whatever advantages there might be.  Whichever they choose though rarely are psychopaths spotted for what they are.  It’s only if you look closely, dissect with a rational mind, that you can see beyond the surface behaviors to the true person beneath.  It holds in real life and it holds in the fictional world…there are a number of characters in TV, film, and comics that hide themselves behind either subdued or over-the-top behavior so that you don’t notice who, what, they really are.

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Survive the Dinosaurs, Survive Nature

Jurassic World recently came out to own – it’s fun, a bit silly, and just maybe has a message.  And not just this Jurassic movie, but all of them collectively.  A rather important message really, albeit hidden under monstrous dinosaurs and running humans and, yes, a healthy dose of ridiculously fantastic deaths.  So…what is this message?

That nature is a powerful force that should not be interacted with lightly.  Nature should be respected at all times and playing God is not a wise choice, especially if you’ve not considered the repercussions of what you do.  Disregarding Mother Nature is dangerous – both for you and those around you – and these films show that in very clear ways…especially concerning two specific facets in dealing with Nature.

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Why Walkers Might Have Herpes

Some of the forever asked and never answered questions in the Walking Dead universe are: How did this happen?  Where did the Walker virus come from? (and) What is it, exactly?  Because these questions remain unanswered there’s plenty of opportunity to speculate by fans and it seems every other person out there has a theory.  As a fan I am no different…what probably is different is my theory.  My own personal theory about the Walker virus has to do with herpes.

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Hybristophilia: Killer Love

Most have heard of those strange people who marry prison inmates, write fan letters to serial killers, and pair off with killers to commit horrible crimes with them.  For the most part these women – the majority, if not all, are female so we’ll stick with that assumption in this piece – are regarded as sick, but never given a specific name to their illness though there seems to be one…Hybristophilia.  Also referred to casually as Bonnie & Clyde Syndrome it is essentially being sexually aroused by or attracted to people who have committed an outrage or gruesome crime.  Likely other mental disorder there seems to be various versions in which this “philia” can present itself, some more deadly than others.

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Killer Kiddies

When most hear of killer children they usually think of school shooters…those frequently of high school age and qualifying for the mass murder category (killers of multiple people in one central location at one time).  While sad and disturbing to hear about it’s not terribly shocking anymore; many schools now have metal detectors, bag checks, and other safety precautions just to prevent such things from occurring.  However, what really can’t be prepared for by a school (or anyone) and is still rare enough to shock others is the child serial killer.  Those pretty little girls and bright young boys who target, hunt, and kill those around them just as Dahmer, Bundy, and other adult serial killers would.

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