
Wicked Nerdery

Where psychology, pop culture, and true crime collide


safety tips

Back To School Safety: Bullying

School’s here folks!  Time to learn new things and get a refresher course in the classics for those of every age.  It also means that new and old safety concerns will arise depending on the grade level your child is going into.  One in particular seems pervasive in all grades though…bullying.  Sometimes it even goes beyond the standard K-12 and, sadly, there’s no magic wand or trick to rid oneself of the problem.  It happens.  Kids can be a bully, a victim, or even both.  Whatever category they fall into there are things to help prevent bullying, signs to look out for, and things to do if you suspect it’s occurring.

(In order to keep things simple I’m going to stick to lists; lists for books, school supplies, classes, and now safety.)

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ABC’s of Surviving a Convention

I recently had the opportunity to go to the Walker Stalker Convention 2016 in Boston…if the name isn’t clue enough, it’s a fan convention geared towards The Walking Dead universe and the horror genre in general.  It’s only the second convention I’ve been to – the first was PAXEast 2015 – and first where I took the opportunity to truly interact with celebrity guests and other fans.  I had a great experience all around and am glad I went; enough that I hope to grab myself a two day pass next time and would absolutely attend other conventions in the future.

Obviously, two experiences makes me a novice, at best, but I’d like to share certain things that I discovered during said experiences.  You can call them survival tips for the soul if you like, or merely suggestions to get the most enjoyment out of your day…I call them: The ABC’s of Conventions.

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Mall Shopping Safety

As the holiday season gears up the stores can go from almost barren to overcrowded in a matter of hours.  With all these people it becomes harder to keep track of things: that gift for Uncle Bob, where the car is parked, where little Timmy and Jane wandered off to.  It’s this last one that can turn into a potential nightmare for a family because it’s not just other shoppers engaged in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, but also child predators.

Continue reading “Mall Shopping Safety”

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